Before you start treating that sore throat ask yourself a couple of questions:
- Is it severe?
- Prolonged? More than a few days?
- Is there difficulty in swallowing?
- Difficulty in breathing?
- Unusually high fever?
- Lump in neck?
- Joint pain?
There are several gargles that can be used to relieve the pain of a sore throat. Generally a gargle will help cure the sore throat by changing the acidity of the throat to one that the bacteria cannot survive.
- Salt water- dissolve as much salt in a cup of warm water as will dissolve and gargle with the mixture. Repeat every couple of hours
- Aspirin water - dissolve 4 aspirin (not Tylenol or ibuprofen) in 1 c warm water and gargle. Repeat every couple of hours
- Vinegar- Add 1 tablespoonful of cider vinegar to 1 cup warm water and gargle. Repeat every couple of hours
- Sage-1 tsp sage to 1 c warm water. Repeat a 3x daily
- Garlic- boil 1 clove garlic in 1 cup water, cool to lukewarm and gargle
- Listerine- It does kill germs, gargle with it a couple of times a day
- Aloe Vera - gargle with aloe vera juice
- Vinegar Mix- one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and three tablespoons of organic, raw honey in a cup of warm water.
- Any herbal tea that is recommended for sore throat can also be gargled
Herbal Teas
There are many herbal teas that are good for sore throats as well as boosting the immune system:
- Traditional Medicines Throat Coat
- Slippery elm
- Wild Cherry
- Licorice
Various Remedies
There are other home remedies that don't fit in either category. Some of them are:
- Make a syrup of honey and lemon and onion by sweating 1 sliced onion until soft and then adding 1 c honey and 1 c lemon juice. Simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
- Colloidal silver, 500pp. Take 15 drops by mouth 4x a day
- Colloidal silver, spray. Use to spray throat. If you do not have this available add 1/4 tsp colloidal silver to 1/4 c filtered water and use as a spray.
- Hold a couple of pieces of sliced, fresh garlic in your mouth like a cough drop, chewing it once in awhile.
- Homeopathic Belladonna, 30x every 30 minutes until symptoms subside
- Zinc-get the lozenges and allow to dissolve
- Vitamin C
- Propolis as a spray
- Trilight herbs- Vira-mune
- Trilight herbs-Throat care
- Trilight herbs- scout out
- Trilight herbs-lympha rub
- Herbs For Kids- Cherry Bark Blend
- Herbs for Kids-Eldertussin
Lots of Rest
People don't rest when they are sick much anymore. Most of the time we try to get some chemical medication into our bodies to bring it to a functioning level, and then we work more. No wonder we get sick!
The best thing to do when you are ill is to stay in bed. Drink lots of filtered water. Eat fruits and vegetables, especially those high in vitamin C. Eat pumpkin seeds for the high zinc content. Relax, sleep and allow your body to heal.