Monday, October 8, 2007

(Hyperacidity, acid – peptic disorder)

Agni and pitta are the maim\n factors responsible for digestion, due to its abnormality, food is not properly digested and produces the aam, which is acidic in nature. Person gets various symptoms including acidic eruction, indigestion etc., this syndrome is known as amlapitta, which has been separately described as disease by madhavakar, charaka pointed this condition in the grahani roga while indicating about amaj roga.
This is basically a disease of gastro –intestinal tract and due to abnormal secretions of gastric and pancreatic enzymes and it has been described as acid peptic disorder.
Factors responsible for the disease
1.Excessive intake of acidic – substances.
2. Excessive intake of hot drinks.
3. Excessive intake of alcohol, tea and tobacco.
4. Irregular habit of diet.5. Irregular time of taking diet.
6. Excessive intake of kulatha dal.
7. Living in anoopa desha i.e assam, Bengal and costal region.
8. Suppression of natural urges.
9. Stress and anxiety.
10. sharad ritu, and pitta diet excess.

1. chief factor (dosha) - pitta and agni(mandagni)
2. subordinate factor (dushya) – rasa and rakta
3. site (adhistan) – GIT specially stomach
Common symptoms
1. Acidic erruction
2. indigestion
3. burning of chest and neck
4. excessive salivation, vomiting tendency
5. fatigue
6. loss of appetite
7. constipation
Classification of disease
Amlapitta has been classification in two types as following:
1. urdhog amlapitta
2. adhoga amlapitta
urdhog amlapitta: the disease have the symptoms of upper gastro – intestinal tract including acidic erruction, bad taste, salivation, stomatitis, vomiting tendency and vomiting of acidic yellowish contents, pain after taking meal burning sensation in chest and in throat, along with temporal headache.
Adhoga amlapitta: this type of disease have the symptoms in lower part of gastro intestinal tract including irregular loose motion with or without pain, thirst, burning sensation, fainting, giddiness, dilusion, skin rashes, urticarial (allergic patches), sweating and pale colouration of body.
1. gastric ulcer
2. peptic ulcer
3. gastritis ( chronic)
lab investigation
1. urine – R.E
2. . Stool –R.E
3. F.T.M
4. Ba meal x ray
5. USG - upper abdomen
6. Gastroscopy – Endoscopy
Pharmacopial preparation
1. avipattika churna or amalakyadi churna or triphala churna
Dose 4 gm at bed with worm water
2. sutsekhar or kamdudha – 125 mg one with dhaniya or haldi juice or milk.